Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Us Trade Shows Are Different Notes For Foreign Firms

Writen by Julia O'Connor

According to Julia O'Connor, president of Trade Show Training, inc. (TSTi) there are three universal components to any trade show, anywhere in the world – promotion, presentation and logistics. "While it seems simple", she said, "there are both subtle and major differences in shows in the US and other countries."

Promotion - marketing - is probably more universal, especially now with the Internet, said O'Connor, but presentation – the sales component – is more affected by culture and business expectations.

"Americans are viewed as loud and aggressive. Even as we expand globally, we understand we must be more relationship-oriented. We find it hard to change but we try to", O'Connor explained.

The biggest challenge – and the most complaints she hears – are about the logistics component. It is the unions, the transportation and shipping problems, the set-up and tear-down. Many countries and shows use a turnkey operation. In the States, there are different unions to perform services before, during and after a show.

"It becomes confusing to individuals and expensive for companies that do not understand the process in the US," O'Connor said.

Those companies planning to exhibit in the US, or those who currently exhibit, often do not know where to turn for assistance. Specialized seminars, run as Camp Sho-M-Sel-M, provide the information.

Trade shows are complicated events – short term with lots of details. The process is complicated by language, culture and old habits. The more a foreign firm knows about US trade shows, the more successful they will be.


Julia O'Connor - Speaker, Author, Consultant - writes about practical aspects of trade shows. As president of Trade Show Training, inc,, now celebrating its 10th year, she works with companies in a variety of industries to improve their bottom line and marketing opportunities at trade shows.

Julia is an expert in the psychology of the trade show environment and uses this expertise in sales training and management seminars. Contact her at 804-355-7800 or check the site

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